New Release
2023.7.7 (FRI) Release
2023.6.3 (SUN) Release
INFINITY16 welcomez
01. ドロだらけのスニーカー
Born in Nagasaki Prefecture, Sho Yokokawa has a reputation for live performances with full of vibes, with lyrics about life and love, and emotions in his songs. Furthermore, the one and only artist who locks the hearts of the audience in his talk. Such Yokogawa Sho rides INFINITY16's BEAT, and one of his best songs is finally released to the world. This message that everyone will be positive is a must-listen! ! !
発売日:2023.6.4 (SUN)
品 番:BBRC-12
TELA-Cが初めて"REGGAEのSOUND''を知ったのは、中学生の時に同級生から借りた1本のカセットテープがきっかけだった。当時、''REGGAEといえばBOB MARLEY''という認識の中、レコードを回しMCを入れて盛り上げるSOUNDというものをそのテープで知り、大きな衝撃を受けた。それからREGGAEのDANCEやEVENTに行くようになる。さらにターンテーブルとミキサーを手に入れ、レコード屋に通いだすようになり、自分がREGGAEを回すようになっていった。人前でやる事が増えて本格的な活動を決心し、1994年に横浜でINFINITY16を結成する。そして、初めてカセットで聞いた本場のSOUNDを知る為、同年に単身JAMAICAへ渡る。そこで音楽や文化、沢山の人々と交流し、JAMAICAから多大な影響を受ける。初めて''DUB PLATE"を手に入れたのもこの時だった。それから幾度かJAMAICAへ渡り、長期滞在を求めて準備を始める。そして1998年にJAMAICAへ旅立つ。さらにNEW YORKのREGGAEシーンからも影響を受け、JAMAICAとNEW YORKを往復し、約4年間の滞在を経て2002年に日本に帰国する。そして滞在中の経験と知識が実を結び、INFINITY16が著しく大きくなっていった。さらに当時のINFINITY16のメンバーである”湘南乃風”と”GOKI”がそのスピードを加速させていった。彼らはINFINITY16を結成する前からの仲間であり、”十代からのツレ''という事が何より深い絆を結んでいる。TELA-Cの帰国直後、自身が主宰するDANCEをはじめ、国内のBIG DANCEやSOUND CLASH、海外ARTISTとの共演や夏の野外フェスに多数呼ばれ、そのアグレッシブなSTYLEの練度を増していく。そして2004年に川崎CLUB CITTA'で『10TH ANNIVERSARY』を決行する。同年、国内SOUND CLASHでのNO.1を獲得する。2005年には自身のSOUND SYSTEMが完成し、全国21ヶ所に及ぶ『REAL WARRIORS TOUR』を決行する。2006年には『12TH ANNIVERSARY』を敢行し、川崎CLUB CITTA'史上最高動員数を記録し大成功を遂げた。2007年はNEW YORKで行われた世界NO.1を決めるSOUND CLASHに日本代表として出場し見事優勝を果たす。遂に世界に名を知らしめる事になる。同年、国内でUNIVERSAL MUSICとメジャー契約を結び、INFINITY16の初プロデュース・シングル”DREAM LOVER”をリリース。湘南乃風、MINMI、MOOMINといった、REGGAEシーンのみならず日本の音楽シーンでも重要な位置を占めるARTIST達が集結し、ORICON CHARTで第10位を獲得する。REGGAE SOUNDの初登場TOP10入りは史上初の快挙であり、SOUNDの新たな可能性を生み出す事に成功した。さらに、”真夏のオリオン”、”ジェラシー”、”DREAM BELIEVER”、”線香花火”、”侍ノ詩”、”伝えたい事がこんなあるのに”、”真冬のオリオン”、”DYNAMITE”、”ずっと君と”、”雨のち晴れ”、”大仕事”など沢山のHIT曲を生み出した。2010年には『十六周年日本武道館』を決行し大成功を収める。日本武道館でREGGAEのEVENTを決行したのは日本音楽史上初であり、音楽史にその名を刻んだ。その結果はREGGAEの可能性をさらに大きなモノへと押し広げてきたことは間違いない。INFINITY16は普通の物差しでは計れない、我々の想像を遥かに超える無限大の可能性を秘めている。
The first time Tela-c met with the "reggae sound" was back in middle school, when he borrowed one cassette tape from his classmate. During that time, his image of reggae was Bob Marley but the cassette tape's sound introduced him to a wider view. The new sound influenced him to go clubbing and visit events. But after a while, just going out did not satisfy him but made him buy a turning table and a mixer, visiting every record store in town. This is the beginning where he started to play the record in clubs and events. After playing over and over again, in the year 1994, he recognized the sound of "INFINITY16". At the same time, in the same year, he wanted to give out the real Jamaican sound and flew abroad alone. There he touched the music, the culture, and interacted with a lot of people, the "real" Jamaican sound. The first Dub Plate was made at this time. After visiting Jamaica for one month, he brought back the experience to Japan and started playing again. Time to time he went back to Jamaica but every stay was too short so he decided to travel to Jamaica for a longer time. In 1998, he got ready for a long trip and left Japan. During his trip, he also visited the Jamaican culture in New York and came back to Japan in 2002. His experience and knowledge connected back in Japan and made him succeed to influence the sound in even bigger events. This is when INFINITY16 dramatically grew to a bigger sound. But Tela-c's experience was not the only reason the sound grew, it was his members that he was with back then. The members are big artists right now, "GOKI" and "Shounan-no-Kaze". It is easy to imagine that they have deep connections. They have known each other since teenage years and have been experiencing many things with each other, "the bond". After coming back to Japan, he not only started his events but was asked to visit BIG DANCE and SOUND CLASH where artists from abroad also played, and festivals which were held outdoors in the summer. By interacting with many people, the aggressive style of the sound even grew. And in December of 2004, in Kawasaki CLUB CITTA' they held their 10th Anniversary event and in the event SOUND CLASH, they were recognized as the number 1 sound. In 2005, the sound had a tour visiting 21 prefectures, "REAL WARRIORS TOUR. In December of 2006, in Kawasaki CLUB CITTA' they held their 12th Anniversary event which recorded the highest turnout for the first time. In March of 2007, in New York where the NUMBER ONE SOUND CLASH was held, "GARRISON SHOWDOWN", even though there were challengers representing Japan, was able to be recognized number one and signaled out the presence of their sound worldwide. In the same year in April, they made a contract with UNIVERSAL MUSIC and released a single, "DREAM LOVER". Where the top reggae representing artists Shounan-no-Kaze, MINMI, and MOOMIN are around, INFINITY16 was able to hit the top 10 on the ORICON WEEKLY CHART as the REGGAE SOUND. This impacted the potential of the sound in the reggae scene. In the same year in December, they were able to succeed in the SOUND SYSTEM. Their obsessiveness to the sound never stops and keeps on going. INFINITY16 will keep on growing with high standard goals and creativities towards their work will grow the music of Reggae. INFINITY16 is not measurable and will always be acting over our imagination carrying a sense of infinity potential.